Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Instituting Date Night

Don't miss part one of this post about Loving Your Spouse. There's another GIVEAWAY there, too.

DATE NIGHT by Chrissy Calderwood

In the Calderwood home,
Once weekly,
We leave the kids at home
And go to one of our favorite spots
For conversation not interrupted
By demands administered to sit still
And eat food.

We have a committed sitter
To care for the kids.
We take turns picking the activity for our night out
And sometimes we invite other couples.
But always, no matter what,
We celebrate the blessings of our life.

We still laugh at the past
And discuss the day's work
And strategize our plans for the future.

Date night is simply amazing.
Our time to catch up,
Renew our minds and enjoyment for one another
And laugh at how the house may be in shambles and kids’ dinner only half eaten when we return.

{me and my man}

In honor of date night, I want to challenge YOU, whether you have small children or are past that stage in life and whether or not it entails lining up a plan a date night. Every Week. It’s a breath of fresh air our marriage needs to continue flourishing. I love my man. I cherish our time together. Every Thursday is our night.

GIVEAWAY! Respond to this post with a date you recently went on, or a planned date for sometime in the next week. There will be a random drawing for a $50 Visa gift card towards your next date night.

For more date night ideas, here are some sites you may want to check out.

20 Pocket Change Date Night Ideas from "Small Notebook". Check the comments, too, for readers' ideas.

44 Date Night Ideas at "Time in New York".

For Phoenix locals...
Phoenix Date Ideas has a great list of fun, romantic, adventurous, cheap and weekend/day trip ideas.



  1. We need to get better at doing date night regularly! Living closer to my folks in a month will definitely help!
    We're actually hoping to go out tonight while Andrew's at VBS! :)
    I just promised my hubby that I'd plan a date for us down at the Arizona state capitol. He's never toured the capitol building and he would love the history. I'm hoping for next week!! -Tab

  2. My husband and I have been struggling with date night lately so last week he planned one as a surprise for me - complete with Grandma as a babysitter and dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. Since we are on a tight budget we're always looking for cheap ideas so I'm anxious to look at the sites you listed above!

  3. We went on date night last night when the kids were at VBS. It was very nice to get away and enjoy each other....we left out all serious topics like jobs, house issues, finances, kids' school, etc. out and had a lot of fun, laugh out loud moments.

    For those times when we cant get away, we have had date night at our home after the kids have gone to bed. We would open a bottle of wine and play Scrabble and reconnect! (my highest scoring word to date is "squires" using all my letters & triple word score to get around 100 points!) - EJ :-D

  4. Date nights are a bit tricky for us but we steal one when we can. The last one we had a couple weeks ago was quite difficult to arrange. I finally secured someone to watch the kids but that meant we had to drive all the way to Arrowhead to drop them off with my dad and his wife. As we're pulling out of their driveway my stomach turns for the worst and I had to reach for the nearest bag. Ryan is ready to turn around and pick up the little guy and go home but I told him just go, I'll be fine. I might also mention that I was desperate to see the new Pirates movie and this was the only chance I had. It ended up being a nice evening. For some reason or another date night is always a good laugh. We've ended up shopping at Walmart (kidless is awesome!)or just driving around aimlessly because we haven't a clue what to do but we always enjoy our time together and that is what matters.

  5. We are going out tomorrow. Hubby has the day off so we are having our son watched by a friend and we are going to do a few returns to shops, shop for some curtains and watch Transformers 3 in 3D. I am very excited!!

  6. Sean and I talk about dates nights all the time... implementing them is a different story because we don’t have a large “pool” of baby-sitters. However, this weekend, my parents are taking the girls so we actually get to go out TOGETHER, as a COUPLE! We’ll probably just do dinner and a movie, but the fact that we can go out without the kids is pretty exciting for us. Yay for date night!! -Natalie Donegan

  7. Wow! Every week! We get to go out once a month. How awesome it would be to go every week. Hmmmm....I think I need to find a committed sitter like you.

  8. Hahahaha! Haven't had a date night since my birthday in December 2009! Again I'll accept your challenge and plan a date nightfor Friday. We'll see what happens...
    -Kathy Porter

  9. I love going on dates! :) its such a great time to really talk and have one on one time! :) we have a date planned for Monday. We are packing a picnic and going to a mountain in verrado and sitting in the back of the truck and watching fireworks. Its such a great view of the city! Going on dates is such an important part in a relationship and makes it stronger.
    Kelcie Hasper

  10. We haven't been able to go yet but Mark found a place for us to take dance lessons on Friday nights. It's going to be a date night full of laughs and probably a few smashed toes! =) The O's

  11. hmm, how to have a weekly date night when the husband travels? hmm....gotta work on that. Sheryl

  12. My husband and I recently got sandwiches @ Quizno's and took them to the river and had a picnic :)
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  13. Chad and I have a date night every Tuesday. We love it! Great Blog!!
    - Brenda Bunch

  14. Josh and I have intentions to have a weekly date night, but sadly, it's about once a month. Our last date was to Starbuck's after the kiddos were in bed. (My mom lives w/us and was a home). It was great to sit and unwind from the day as well as enjoy a white chocolate decaff mocha! Thanks for the encouragement to invest in our marriages, Chrissy! -Danielle


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